Welcome to The Niagara Woodworking Club

We are located in the Niagara Peninsula of Ontario Canada. Member's skill levels range from novice to skilled professional. Some make all or part of their living from the craft. Interests cover the entire range of woodworking. We place a strong emphasis on member participation. Our focus is to have an inviting atmosphere that inspires everyone and furthers the growth of knowledge and skill for each and every member. If you would like information about joining the club or attending a meeting please contact Kevin at: biff_kpv@yahoo.ca

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

April Meeting

James of McQueen's Custom Cuts Quality Lumber Company played host to this month's meeting. Some great discussions and lots of tips and tricks were learned.

Peter H. brought in his self designed tool box. Plans are available if interested.

 Here is the tool box.... well thought out.

Peter H. shared these books that he brought in as well, a 4 volume set of Audels he found on eBay.

Peter A. brought in his finished motorcycle rocker that he was talking about building last meeting. Peter A. built it purely for himself and it is very cool.
Other items discussed:
  • Kevin brought in a finished end grain cutting board
  • Haliburton Forest wood auction
  • James McQueen is offering jointer classes... min 8 people 3 hours for a small fee we had some show interest so let me know if you would like to join

 The Main Topic of the night was our host James McQueen talking about layout and planning. 

Next meeting is Thursday May 21st at 7:00pm and will be hosted at Stockroom Supply in Wainfleet. Please if you are interested in joining the Niagara Woodworking Club or maybe just attending a meeting let kevin know at biff_kpv@yahoo.ca

Niagara Woodworking Show

Board Foot Calculator -- courtesy of West Wind Hardwood

Board foot Calculator
Board Feet: