Ed had an interesting way of using a router to create the wheels which created some real interest.
Don had an ingenious idea to reuse broken bandsaw blades as paint drying racks. Don also mentioned a Minwax oil modified wipe on poly.
Kevin started a discussion about next month's 9th annual Niagara Woodworking Show and is looking for volunteers to participate on behalf of the club at the show.
Peter and Ed mentioned a tried and true finish that Ed used on his toy Ford truck of:
-1 part high gloss polyurethane
-1 part pure turpentine
-1 part oil (tung or linseed)
Peter mentioned the work of Russ Fairchild and some writings he did on Woodcentral.
We had a good discussion at the end of the night about how to price your work. Some discussion around pricing a piece that you have already made and want to sell and another around how to price a custom project as per a customer's request. Everyone agreed that this was not an easy road to go down but some good discussions were had and some interesting ideas were thrown around.
The main topic of the night......
Darryl brought in an assortment of hand planes and discussed the history of planes and some tips and techniques on how to tune, sharpen and use planes. The idea for next meeting was suggested since we will no longer be using the Community Center in favour of utilizing each other's wood shops that we demonstrate on the bench how to use both both wood and steel body wood planes. The suggestion was also made that if anyone wanted to bring in their wood plane or planes to the next meeting we could look at specifics for that plane and seeing about getting those planes to shaving those .001" shavings that Darryl talks about.
Next meeting will be in Kevin's wood shop on Wednesday February 11th, 2015 at 7:00pm. Please check your email for directions to Kevin's shop. If you are not a member and wish to join the club and attend please email Kevin: biff_kpv@yahoo.ca