- http://www.rutply.com/products/colorwood.html - "colorwood" discussed by Peter
- http://www.compwood-products.com/index.php?lang=english - "compwood" discussed by Don
- http://www.ontarioantiquetools.com/ - "John Pirie antique tools" discussed by Kevin
- http://www.niagarawoodshow.info/ - "9th annual Niagara Woodworking Show"
- http://billpentz.com/woodworking/cyclone/ "dust collection" discussed by Mike, Kevin
- http://logancabinetshoppe.wordpress.com/ - "Hand plane geometry" discussed by Darryl
- http://stockroomsupply.ca/shop/ - "Stockroom Supply"
- http://woodshedlumber.com/ - "the Wood Shed"
- http://www.mcqueenlumber.com/ - "McQueen Custom Cuts"
- http://www.finewoodworking.com/item/56990/bow-arm-morris-chair - great video discussing a bent lamination for a Morris Chair as discussed by Mike
The sell and swap was a big hit again and the deals were just flying at the end because nobody wanted to bring there stuff back home. Glad to see the support from everyone who brought some stuff to sell or swap.
Merry Christmas everyone and a wonderful New Year's!