This meeting was meant to discuss club happenings and get a direction for the coming year. The membership decided not to elect executives but to create a responsible membership that would drive the meetings going forward. A new focus for the club with more emphasis on skills and furniture making. Furniture making as you know requires all skills (turning, carving, cabinetmaking, etc.) With a new focus and a set format, next month's meeting Andrew will present the topic of Handsaws: Usage and Care.
A new set format for the meetings will be as followed:
Meeting open
Member's Review: magazines, books, tools, wood shows, web sites, etc.
Show n' Tell: bring in a project, favourite jig, whatever you would like to discuss
Discuss a project or shop problem
Draw for Door Prize
Break - coffee and snacks provided
Topic Presentation
Meeting closed
With this new set format in place
all members will be an integral part of each and every meeting and staying on time will be much easier.