This month we were at Tim's shop. Nice relaxed evening with lots to talk about.
Ed spoke about his latest Toys and Joys build which he is building 2 x 1931 Cadillac Roadster's.
We discussed finishing the model cars and Ed still spoke highly of Peter's tried and true 3 equal parts: oil, turpentine and varnish.
The topic of where to get wood came up and we all had our favourites to share:
- Shaker Roads
- The Wood Shed
- McQueen's Custom Cuts
- Commonwealth Plywood
- Townsend Lumber
- BCW Lumber and Plywood
- A&M Wood Specialties
- Exotic Woods
- Tools of the Trades Show and Sale
- Niagara Woodcarvers Show at Heartland Forest
- Wood Everything Show
- The Wood Shed's 25th Anniversary
The idea was thrown around about a Competition or challenge to be held within our group. Some ideas were:
- Belt sander races
- Pine derby car races
- 2 x 4 challenge (build using a standard 2x4x8)
- 3 pound challenge (build anything but it must weigh 3 pounnds)
April meeting is yet to be determined but stay tuned....