Welcome to The Niagara Woodworking Club

We are located in the Niagara Peninsula of Ontario Canada. Member's skill levels range from novice to skilled professional. Some make all or part of their living from the craft. Interests cover the entire range of woodworking. We place a strong emphasis on member participation. Our focus is to have an inviting atmosphere that inspires everyone and furthers the growth of knowledge and skill for each and every member. If you would like information about joining the club or attending a meeting please contact Kevin at: biff_kpv@yahoo.ca

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Next meeting is.....

Wednesday March 25th, 2015
at 7:00 pm
and will be held in Tim H.'s wood shop. 

-Topic is in the works... 

-Sell/swap table

-Refreshments available

-Show n tell

Want to attend a meeting and you are not a member? No problem! Send Kevin an email and get on the list: biff_kpv@yahoo.ca

Thursday, February 12, 2015

February's Meeting

It was nice having the meeting in Kevin's shop. The main topic was supposed to be Darryl discussing and demonstrating more about hand planes but it seems like we all never really got there. A couple new people attended which helped bring new thoughts, ideas and questions that were all discussed and even displayed or demonstrated, as again we were inside a woodworking shop. We talked jigs, tools, wood and techniques which kept the discussions flowing all night long. Thank you to all that attended it was a fun night. 

We still had some "plane" old fun though!

-We broke down the 9th annual Niagara Woodworking Show
-discussed upcoming shows:
       -Hamilton Wood Show February 27-March 1
       -Tools of the Trades on March 29th
       -Wood Shed 25th anniversary June 13th

Tonight's meeting ran long again as everyone was engaged and people were again not afraid to ask for help and in an inviting forum, we all offered our knowledge and ideas. 

So if you are reading this and have attended or wish to attend please know that this club is a an inviting open forum and welcomes all different skill sets and disciplines.  

Monday, February 9, 2015

Next meeting

Next meeting is Wednesday February 11th @ 7:00pm

Will be held at Kevin's shop.
Please email Kevin if you need directions.

-refreshments available
-show n tell
- wrap up the Niagara Woodworking Show
-Darryl will further the discussion of hand planes and demonstrate

Scenes from the 9th annual Niagara Woodworking Show

The show was buzzing all day!

Congratulations to club member Mike D. who won first place with this lovely jewelry box. 

Mike receiving his prize!

Darryl demonstrating at the show and he also did a well received seminar. 

Niagara Woodworking Show

Board Foot Calculator -- courtesy of West Wind Hardwood

Board foot Calculator
Board Feet: